The Wedding is just one day but Marriage is for a Lifetime

Wedding Preparation Regulations
For couples looking to receive the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, please contact the parish office to schedule and appointment with our priests through a parish secretary.
It is recommended to call for an appointment AT LEAST 1 YEAR in advance of marriage date.
The process takes at least 6 months
If a person has been previously married, even if not celebrated before a Catholic priest or deacon, he or she must present an annulment decree or the death certificate of the former spouse, before the priest or deacon can set a wedding date.
When calling to schedule an appointment to begin the marriage process, please have the following documents on hand:
A recent (within six months of your initial visit) copy of your Baptismal Certificate. To obtain your certificate, call or write the church of your baptism for both the bride and groom. (This establishes your freedom to marry in the Church).
A pastor has the privilege and duty to administer the sacraments to his own parishioners. He has no jurisdiction over those who are not members of his parish. Therefore, a letter of permission from your proper pastor is necessary for non-parishioners.
Please Note
To be married in New York State, you must obtain a New York State Marriage License. This may be obtained from any City or Town Hall in the State. The license becomes valid 24 hours after the time of issuance and is valid for 60 days thereafter. We recommend that you obtain your license about one month before the wedding. Please give the license to the priest at the time of rehearsal.
It is the couples responsibility to hand in any further documentation needed to the priests on time. This also includes signing up for and completing Pre-Cana classes.
The couple will set the wedding date only after receiving all the necessary documents or confirming their submission.
The Wedding Party, parents, and readers should be present for the rehearsal. Please assemble at the church 15 minutes before the scheduled time of the rehearsal.
You MUST bring the following item to rehearsal:
Your Marriage License
It is the responsibility of the bride and groom to schedule the day and the time of the rehearsal.
It is important to make musical arrangements for your wedding well in advance. You are responsible for his/her fee.
Please note that you are responsible for the fees of any organist or musician that you ask to play at your marriage ceremony. We are not responsible for the quality of music played by any organist or musician that you choose to perform for your marriage ceremony.
For any other questions, please contact the parish office.